Step Content: A person who may need a wheelchair is identified and sent or directed to the right services in their context according to the systems available (e.g. public, private, veterans, and children). The person should be given an appointment for an assessment.
Planning considerations: Educators should find out information on all the referral systems (e.g. referral agency, community leaders) in local contexts to ensure students’ understanding. Sharing from a person who is involved in a referral system may be beneficial.
Location/facilities: An in-person or virtual classroom.
Human resources: An educator that understands the wheelchair service referral and appointment system(s) in the context.
How to teach the content: Consider local case studies to illustrate the step.
Recommended Equipment and tools: Not applicable
Documentation: Have a local referral form available. If none is available, you may use or modify the WHO referral form.
Other comments related to contextual adaptation/implementation: Sharing from students who are from different contexts may be beneficial. In case students are unable to identify a referral system in their contexts, educators should have examples to share and discuss with them. Be aware of potential cultural barriers related to referrals.